Tired of scouring Twitter and Youtube to figure out how to bring your ideas to reality?

What if you had a guide that shows EXACTLY how to bring a jewelry product to life at minimal cost, with all the 3D design and factory sourcing steps laid out?

If you want to make your own custom or private label jewelry, whether high end gold fine jewelry or mass produced plated steel, I’ve put together a guide to help you:

✅ Find 3D designers to ensure your vision comes to life
✅ Find overseas factories to get you EXCELLENT pricing
✅ Sample, negotiate and handle logistics


The Insider’s Guide to Private Label Jewelry

A simple, thorough walkthrough of working with contract 3D designers and
overseas factories to make your jewelry project come to life.

  • Perfect for first time product developers

My goal with this playbooks series is to affordably help new entrepreneurs go from zero to one and get their online product business rolling. 

My playbooks are affordable, easy to follow, and focus specifically on getting your products ready to produce and finding the perfect partner to make them. 

  • You do not need a formal background

It’s not a giant process with lots of needless steps, this isn’t fashion design school, this is about being scrappy, taking advantage of the global economy and getting a product on to the market to scale and improve later.

You don’t need to be an accountant, a serial entrepreneur or have a crazy background to execute on this.

  • The perfect niche to start small

What I love most about jewelry is you can also launch really small, you dont need $20k or massive inventory, you can make one off or small run pieces and validate your idea to the market with your samples.

  • All links included!!

I’ve got it all in here, from cost model templates to vetted contractor links, factory links and sourcing checklists.   We’ll help you bring the product to life, and you take it from there

Let’s Get Specific

Disclaimer: I am not a jeweler
I can’t help you learn to evaluate types of metals. I’m not going to help you pick stones or settings. I don’t know how to grade official diamonds etc

But I can
✅ Ensure you know how to get an affordable designer
✅ Help you learn to find great manufacturers with low rates
✅ Ensure you know how to properly sample and get pricing for your products 
✅ Make sure you’re prepared to execute your order
✅ Prepare you for the logistics of costs and packaging

Oren John

Here’s what you’ll get in
The Insider’s Guide to Private Label jewelry

All of this is covered in a complete end to end project breakdown, where I submit a simple brief to design, show my back and forth with my designer, find multiple factories on platform, provide files and my brief, and get final quotes.

1. Going from Idea to 3D Files

✅ How to use Upwork to find an affordable designer to help your vision come to life (Includes my template for a job listing)
✅ The basics of providing a jewelry brief to your designer, and what file types and info to ask for before going to factory

  • Finding a Designer
  • Creating a Product Brief
  • Designer Communications
  • Ideation & Inspiration

2. Finding a manufacturer and establishing pricing

✅ How to use Alibaba to find jewelry manufacturers
✅ How to use Pietra to find jewelry manufacturers
✅ Providing an inquiry to your manufacturers

  • Finding Vendors on Alibaba
  • Finding a Vendor on Pietra
  • Vendor Communications
  • Ordering Checklist
  • Packaging Options
  • Cost Model Template

Extras: Your Private Label Jewelry Toolkit

🔌 Links to 8 freelance designers on Upwork from $10hr to $80/hr
🔌 Links to 7+ private label jewelry manufacturers of different types, plus 4 packaging vendors
🛠 My Upwork job template
🛠 Ecommerce description best practices
🛠 My product purchase checklist
🛠 Links to guides on colors, metals and plating
🛠 Etsy getting started guide

Meet Other Builders Who’ve Been Helped By
Oren & Product World Content

I frequently sent your content back and forth over the last four months as we were learning about ecommerce ahead of launching our first physical product

And we successfully launched last Monday

Thank you for all you do!


Your strength is breaking down high level processes and simplifying them.

And it’s clear you love what you talk about.


The info you’ve been sharing has made this process 99% less intimidating than it would have been 3 months ago, so i salute you for that.


Extremely helpful in getting things off the ground coming from very little experience. Also, in our DM and email exchanges you were nothing short of generous with your time and knowledge!


You’ll be shocked how easy it is to get refined designs and reasonable quotes, all you need is the playbook!  I’ve got it all in here, from cost model templates to vetted contractor links and sourcing checklists. 


Try it risk free 30 days, 100% risk-free

Guarantees can be complicated. But not this one. My promise is simple – if our program isn’t what you wanted, we will offer you a 100% refund on your purchase.

It’s a risk-free, no questions asked and there’re no fine print involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a lot of money to launch my project?

The typical cost to evaluate a product is a few hundred dollars in design, and another few hundred in sampling

Can you share the vendors you show in the videos?

Yes! Every designer and factory shown in the video is linked in the courses.

Do I need to have an LLC first?

While having a business will give you many benefits, you can design, sample and validate your ideas without one with the tools in this course.

Will this course help launch my brand?

This content is focused on sourcing and producing products, not sales and marketing.

Ready to bring your project to life, and learn skills that you can apply to product development for the rest of your life?

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